Almaguin Cyclocross - October 14
Hi folks,
Rob Edmonstone is happy to announce that on October 14, 2018, we will be hosting an introductory cyclocross (CX) session, at our farm near Sprucedale.
We will have two separate circuits on offer with distinct characteristics - I won't get too detailed here, but one will feature rolling terrain and the other flatter sweeping corners. BOTH will have a CX appropriate wall, make use of a sprinkling of MTB single-track/double and have tighter zig-zag sections and off camber bits. No barriers, mud pits or fly-overs planned....for year 1.
Circuits are approx 2 to 2.5km in length. MLAT_ED on Strava for sneak-peeks.
No registration fee. But, if you have fun, there will be a trail maintenance tip jar to help with covering the cost of supplies.
Mountain bikes are totally acceptable.
Schedule of events:
8AM - course setup (some volunteers would be appreciated)
10AM - Circuit 1 Pre-ride
11AM - 45 min "friendly" session
BBQ Lunch (details TBD with confirmed participants)
1PM - Circuit 2 Pre-ride
2PM - 45 min "friendly" session
Post ride, optional gravel road ride to take in some fall colours or a celebratory beverage or both.
TRAIL MAINTENANCE DAY: I am hoping to get some help with advanced trail maintenance time on Sunday, September 30th. Please contact me if you have a few hours to spare, and yes, you can bring your bike.
What to expect: The courses are new and will get faster and smoother with age. CX is about getting around the course as fast as possible in the manner that suits YOU. So, if you need to walk or hike a section, that is normal and expected. The hardest features are a hairpin decent and a steep climb that is intended to make you hike yer bike.
That said, for this first session, I would like to have experienced mountain bikers, CXers or gravel riders as I want to get some feedback on the courses and have them packed in before having novices riders out (next year, hopefully!).
I see CX as a great genre of cycling for incorporating new riders in the Almaguin and Parry Sound region. It helps build handling skills in a vehicle free environment, with reduced equipment requirements and can be delivered by leveraging existing facilities (i.e. fields and parks) that don't require major capital construction. It can literally be flagging tape or pylons and an open space.
There are lots of vids online you can view to get pumped on CX. The UCI Youtube channel has the World Cups.
Wanna ride? E-mail me at to confirm attendance and to stay in the loop.
Full details will be sent to confirmed participants.
Peace and bike grease,
Rob Edmonstone